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Van Ladder Storage Ideas That Keep The Roads Safe

16 February 2022

When your van is your mobile workshop, it helps to ensure you keep it tidy and make the best use of the space. That requires installing racking and van ladder storage ideas that enable you to organise your work tools and keep them safe.

A wide range of industries use ladders, and most people strap the item to the outside of their van. This makes sense if there is insufficient space to install internal van ladder storage. However, mounting ladders to the exterior of your van can present a danger to other drivers.

There have been several incidents that demonstrate the tragic consequences of ladders falling from vans. Five years ago, 50-year old Sue Own was killed when ladders fell from the roof of a van into her BMW. Last year, an incident of ladders falling from the roof of a van was recorded on a mobile phone. Fortunately, on that occasion, nobody was hurt. But as you can see from the footage, it could have ended in another tragedy. 

It’s important that your ladders are not properly secured to your mobile workshop. If not, they pose a potential threat to the safety of others. Rather than risk an accident, why not install van ladder storage on the inside of your van! Internal van ladder storage ideas also prevent your work tools from being stolen. 

Internal Van Ladder Storage Ideas

There are numerous ways to store work tools in vans these days. Whilst van ladder storage ideas are less robust, they are nonetheless essential. Check out our favourite internal van ladder storage solutions below.

Steel Line Storage Ladder

Ladders can weigh up to 15kg. Given they are a relatively heavy load, van drivers need an internal ladder storage solution that will support the weight. The Steel-Line ladder holder is an ideal solution. 

The internal ladder storage idea can be fastened to either your roof or sidewall. As a result, you make the best use of space that is otherwise unused. The ladder holder also comes with a bungee strap to secure the ladders and a mounting plate to fasten the ladder holder in place. 

Rolling Ladder Rack System

Most internal van ladders storage solutions do a perfect job of securing ladders in place. Attached to the side walls or roof they also free up load space in the back of the van.  However, standard mounting racks make it quite difficult to load the ladders into the van in the first place. You only have to apply a bit of weight to keep the elevation of the ladders up at the far end. Even still, it can be tricky.

A rolling ladder rack system requires very little effort. Ideally, you would attach the system to your roof. This makes it easier to load and enables you to fit storage solutions for other tools in your van. As the name suggests, this ladder system features rollers – a little bit like the ladder system you find in lofts. The shuttle and lock system makes it easy ladders so easy to laid you won’t have any problem doing it on your own. 

Internal JET Ladder Rack

JET ladder racks are classed as the industry standard. They are mostly ideal for storing step ladders. And with our solutions, you can attach the rack to the inside frame of your rear van door. 

The internal JET ladder rack system frees up space in the back of your mobile workshop. it also doesn’t get in your way when you’re looking for other work tools or bits-and-bobs. Sometimes, simple solutions are the best ideas. 

Storage Ladder Considerations

Before investing in internal van ladder storage solutions, keep in mind the following: 

  • What type of van do you have; what are the length and width. Remember that your ladders need to fit inside when the rear door is closed. 
  • Weight distribution; remember that ladders are quite heavy. If one side of the van is overloaded with weight on one side, you could encounter problems when negotiating corners at speed.

Reduce the risk of road accidents and install van ladder storage for your mobile workshop. 

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